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Message Ukraine spends too much ammunition

Pro-Russian telegram channels write that the number of artillery shells that Ukraine allegedly uses per day would be enough for a small European country per year in peacetime. They say that the production of ammunition can be increased, but this will take several years. Allegedly, Europe now cannot but satisfy the “appetite” of Ukraine, since there is a crisis with ammunition.

These messages are manipulative. Any country in peacetime spends much less ammunition than in time of war. The intensity of hostilities, and hence the consumption of ammunition, can also be different. No country, for security reasons, can give Ukraine all its ammunition. That is why Eastern Europe and the United States have been increasing the production of ammunition since 2022. Eastern European businesses are now turning out weapons, artillery shells and other military equipment at a rate not seen since the Cold War to help Ukraine fight Russia.

By spreading the message that other countries are running out of weapons, that Ukraine does not want to supply weapons, new supplies will escalate, or that low-quality or obsolete weapons are being transferred to Ukraine, Russian propaganda is trying to devalue Western aid and demoralize Ukrainians.

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