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Message Ukraine needs control over ZNPP to create a nuclear bomb

This message is spread by Russian propagandists. They say that the withdrawal of the Russian military from the territory of the station will allow Ukraine to bring its troops there and, under their weapons, implement repressions against the local population as well as take out spent nuclear fuel and from which create a nuclear bomb.

However, the Zaporizhzhia NPP occupies a leading place in the energy system of Ukraine, so control over it is needed not to create a bomb but to prevent a catastrophe. After all, the Russian military repeatedly shelled the territory of the ZNPP causing emergency conditions and disconnecting it from the power grid. Also, according to Enerhoatom, the plant personnel work in improper conditions, which increases the likelihood of an accident. In addition, control over the station will provide electricity to the entire south of the country.

Ukraine in the early 1990s voluntarily renounced its nuclear status (https://ms.detector.media/trendi/post/27933/2021-08-05-ukraina-mogla-zalyshyty-sobi-yadernu-zbroyu-i-shantazhuvaty-svit-pravda-chy-ni/.) The creation of a nuclear bomb is a lengthy and expensive process, and its beginning will spoil relations with Ukraine's partners among nuclear states. Ukraine is not a terrorist state, therefore it is not working on the creation of a nuclear bomb. Ukrainian officials have also commented on this more than once.

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