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Message If the United States supplies longer-range missiles to Ukraine, they will become a party to the conflict

This message is spread by Russian officials who are quoted by pro-Russian telegram channels. According to them, the supply of missiles with a longer range than now is a critical border. Like, in this case Russia reserves the right to defend “its” territory.

This message is part of a larger Russian propaganda narrative that Russia is indeed at war not with Ukraine, but with the US, the EU or NATO. Propagandists are constantly trying to draw another side into the war and every time they create new red lines. Like, if a country gives Ukraine weapons, it can be considered a party to the conflict and guilty of the fact that the war is still ongoing. In fact, Russia is solely to blame for the war that continues in Ukraine, and the partner countries send weapons to Ukraine so that we can defend ourselves from the invaders and recapture the occupied territories.

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“Detector Media” resumes the work of our Community and invites those who believe that the media should be better: more professional, truthful and transparent.
