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Manipulation There is no military equipment at the Zaporizhzhia NPP

Russian media reports that IAEA observers should see that there is no Russian military equipment at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. StopFake writes about it. They refer to the words of Volodymyr Putin who announced this in Vladyvostok. The Russian dictator noted that these divisions of the National Guard of Russia "guard" the perimeter and territory of the station. This is manipulation.

The IAEA report notes just the opposite: that military equipment is present there. In particular, paragraph 39 of the report states: “The team observed the presence of Russian military personnel, vehicles and equipment at various sites of the ZNPP, including several military trucks on the first floor of block 1 and block 2 of the turbine hall, as well as military vehicles under the crossing connecting reactor room.

And the National Guard, according to Russian law, is a military organization. And in Ukraine, this structure fulfills military purposes, in fact, being an occupation structure.

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