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Manipulation Macron’s help to Ukraine is to no purpose as it is the most corrupt country in the world

France’s policy towards Ukraine, the supply of weapons to it and financial assistance is supposedly suicide for this country, since Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world. In addition, sanctions against Russia do not work because they are the main supplier of raw materials in the world. This is manipulation.

Euvsdisinfo.eu. writes about it. In fact, Ukraine in the ranking of corrupt countries, which is compiled by Transparency International, was 122nd out of 180 countries in 2021, and Russia, for example, was 136th. In addition, in order to fight corruption, Ukraine has taken and is taking a number of important steps, in particular, it is implementing judicial reform, changing the composition of the High Council of Justice, and strengthening anti-corruption bodies - SAPO (Specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office) and NABU (National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine). The latter recently announced suspicion to deputy Trukhin for offering a bribe to a policeman.

As for the sanctions, Russia suffers from them because it lacks the technology for, in particular, the military-industrial complex.

This fake is being spread to distract the West from helping Ukraine and lifting sanctions against Russia. Their constancy in time allows Ukraine to keep the defense in an unprovoked war and hope for its victorious end.

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