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Disclosure It is not a grandmother of Chrystia Freeland in the photo next to Hitler and Goebbels

The well-known photograph, replicated by social networks, next to Hitler and Goebbels shows not the grandmother of the Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, but the wife of the Nazi Reich Propaganda Minister Magda Goebbels.

Writes “Reuters”. At the same time, the agency refers to several Facebook and Twitter accounts at once, some of which are verified.

However, the original source of this photo is from the media company Getty Images. There, a similar photograph is dated to the 1930s and bears the caption: “German dictator and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) (center back) stands with Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels (1897–1945), his wife Magda (1901 - 1945) and their three older children”.

This lie is also spread by pro-Russian channels and accounts in order to accuse the Deputy Prime Minister, who is of Ukrainian origin, of having Nazi supporters in her family, and thus to compromise her. Meanwhile, Chrystia Freeland and Canada remain among Ukraine’s closest foreign partners.

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