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Fake Residents of Ukraine hate the regime and are under the yoke of neo-Nazis

Russian media quoted Russian leader Volodymyr Putin as saying at an economic forum in Vladyvostok that a huge number of Ukrainians hate the Kyiv regime and are under the yoke of neo-Nazis. It's fake.

StopFake reports this and cites data from the last three sociological studies. Thus, on the eve of the Independence Day of Ukraine on August 24, the Rating sociological group conducted a comprehensive study of various markers of Ukrainian patriotism. 74% of Ukrainians assessed the direction of development in the country as correct, 13% believe that it is moving in the wrong direction, and the same number found it difficult to answer the question.

At the end of June, the Rating sociological group conducted a survey commissioned by the Center for Analytical Research (CISR) of the International Republican Institute (IRI), and, among other things, received the following results: 81% answered that they believe that Ukraine will win this war, 16% replied that they will probably win. Also, 88% strongly approve the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 10% generally approve the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and in second place is President Zelenskyi (59% strongly approve his actions, 32% generally approve them).

The results of a sociological survey conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation with the sociological service of the Razumkov Center from August 5 to 12, 2022 also showed the high faith of Ukrainians in victory (over 90%), as well as pride of their citizenship (about 90%). In addition, 87.3% of men and 89.5% of women answered that they would like to build their future life in Ukraine.

This misinformation is being spread by the Russian media to justify the war of conquest launched by Russia against Ukraine, allegedly defending the rights of oppressed Ukrainians. In fact, there is no justification for the cruelty of the crimes of the Russian army.

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