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Message There are problems with discipline in Ukrainian society, and the authorities invent victories for themselves

Pro-Russian Telegram channels distribute messages with this content. For example, Lehytymniy convinces the audience that: "...problems with conditional discipline began in Ukrainian society ... "for a moment, the war in the country continues, and the rear has swum." Another propaganda channel Kartel, along with a report from the previous message, claims that: "...functionaries of the Office of the President are trying to stir up hype in Ukrainian society by heating the topic that Belarus is preparing to attack the Western territories of Ukraine and even Kyiv. Also, a case with the attack of RB was launched for the Western press to somehow revive interest in the Ukrainian crisis. However, a day later, they triumphantly declared that this would not happen since Bankova herself controls everything."

Such messages divert attention, confuse Ukrainian society, spread doubts and panic among citizens regarding the authorities' actions, and undermine trust in Ukrainian intelligence and the Armed Forces. If the government manipulates and deceives, how can you trust it? Although the intelligence not only of Ukraine but also of other countries testifies about the possible invasion of Belarusian troops into Ukraine. Repetition of the message in different channels helps anchor it in the information field. It is how a dispute is artificially created and society splits because emotions prevent an objective assessment of the situation. In this way, the work of the President's Office is being devalued through the manipulation of the thesis that the government itself invents a problem and then "victoriously" reports on its solution.

Remind that Russian propaganda systematically spreads manipulative messages and artificially creates discussions about the professionalism of the actions of the Ukrainian authorities, the integrity of the information it provides to citizens, events at the front, etc.

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