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Fake A Ukrainian woman insulted a Russian woman handing out flowers at a solo rally against the war

The Kurdish channel K24+ shared a video with the caption that a Ukrainian woman beats a Russian woman and calls her a "bitch" because the Russian woman went to a single anti-war rally. As NotaYenota writes, the video is borrowed from the materials of Guardian. The original story tells about a Russian girl who went to the monument to Shevchenko in Saint Petersburg for a solitary protest against the war. Her brother served in the Russian army and was sent to Ukraine as part of a so-called "special operation."

By the way, according to the Russian leadership, conscripts are not fighting in Ukraine, but the video again refutes these statements. The family lost contact with the boy, prompting the girl to express her attitude to the situation publicly. The girl's protest caused the dissatisfaction of another Russian woman, who believes that "if it were not for the war, she [the heroine of the original video] would not have a future." The woman called the protester obscene, but there was no fight. On the same Kurdish TV channel, they wrote under the video that it was a Ukrainian woman who attacked a Russian woman who was protesting against the war in Ukraine. In this way, the Kurds used a classic method of spreading disinformation: take a real video and add a fake caption.

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