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Fake Before the Russian invasion, only Ukrainian plays were staged in the Mariupol Theater

Russian propagandists write that the Mariupol Drama Theater is allegedly resuming its work. Reports say that an attempt to revive a new theater season in Mariupol, which was destroyed by Russian troops, will take place on the premises of the Mariupol Chamber Philharmonic (which is in the story of the propagandist RT is called "the city's House of Music").

Her building survived the shelling of the city. According to reports from the Russian occupiers, the theater season in the city is planned to resume on September 10, and rehearsals are already underway. In the same plot of the propagandists, it is said that before the occupation of Russia, in the theater, Ukrainian plays gradually supplanted the rest of the repertoire, and allegedly it was not possible to stage works in Russian. However, it is not true. As StopFake writes, the theater's repertoire, until its destruction during the Russian air raid on March 16, 2022, consisted of Russian, Ukrainian and foreign works. You can see the complete list of the repertoire of the big stage, which includes 25 productions, on the theater's website. Only 10 were shown in Ukrainian, and the remaining 15 were Russian. That is, parity was not in favor of the Ukrainian repertoire.

"There was no way to ban performances in the Russian language at the Mariupol Drama Theater - it is fake Russian propaganda, which continues to demonstrate to its audience the alleged restriction of the rights of the Russian-speaking population in the territories temporarily occupied by Russia," the fact-checkers write. By the way, a significant part of the troupe of the Mariupol Theater was evacuated to Uzhgorod. Moreover, it is there that the theater plans to resume its work gradually and is already rehearsing the first play, which will tell about the life of Vasyl Stus.

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