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Disclosure The Russians have developed a manual for their agitators in the temporarily occupied territories to convince the population that they are not marauders and murderers

The press service of the Main Intelligence Directorate reported that the occupiers had developed special “methodical recommendations” for working with the population of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions.

This "document" is distributed exclusively to "instructors affiliated with the leadership of "United Russia" and is not passed on to third parties for perusal."

According to the "manual", the work of the occupation administrations in the occupied Ukrainian territories is supervised exclusively by the Kremlin party "United Russia", which agrees and strictly controls the work of any other organizations. This "document" allows the occupiers to "collect material funds from the population." Instead, it is strictly forbidden to take food products and medicines (including hermetically sealed ones) due to frequent cases of poisoning. Also, the developers of the "manual" offer a table with questions that Ukrainians most often ask the occupiers, and typical answers with additional explanations.

Earlier, it became known about other manuals for Russian propagandists to compare the war in Ukraine with the First World War and how to write about the "special operation" in Ukraine in general.

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