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Fake Pensioners are conscripted in Ukraine

Such information was distributed by the Russian media with reference to an interview with the existing foreign intelligence service of Ukraine Mykola Malomuzh. It's a fake.

In fact, Mykola Malomuzh, answering the question, said that in order to prepare a strategic offensive it is necessary to prepare reserves. It was about the mobilization of reserve military personnel with military experience. Mobilization of pensioners was not discussed.

According to Voxcheck, for a military reserve, the marginal age is established in stock. It depends on the rank of military: from 60 years for younger and senior officers to 65 years for the highest officers. During military legislation, citizens from 18 to 60 years old can be conscripted into army. The retirement age of men in Ukraine is 60, provided that they have the necessary insurance experience (if a person does not have enough insurance experience, he may resign later). That is, the retirement age and age of stay in stock are the same.

Previously, propagandists distributed fakes that there was no one to fight in Ukraine, and therefore LGBT -faculty was summoned into the army. The propagandists also tried to discredit and violate mobilization measures in Ukraine, dissolving other reports. Thus, propagandists are trying to distract the audience from hidden mobilization in Russia.

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