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Message OSCE does not give the floor to Russia “for fear of hearing the truth”

Pro-Kremlin media write that at one of the OSCE meetings on security cooperation, the so-called ambassador of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Rodion Miroshnyk, was not allowed to attend the meeting. In the messages, the authors claim that the OSCE was “simply afraid” that a Russian representative might reveal “facts that are inconvenient for the Western public”. And they summarize that such actions are “russophobia”.

The analysts of the StopFake project analyzed the case and explained that the decision to not allow Miroshnyk to attend the meeting is solely due to the incompetence of the “ambassador”,  who is actually a collaborator and former press secretary of the ex-president and fugitive traitor Viktor Yanukovych.

In 2014, Miroshnyk cooperated with the Russian occupiers and became part of the Kremlin-controlled “administration” of captured Luhansk, a fictitious body. He has been wanted in Ukraine since 2017.

That is, the so-called russophobia is nothing more than a response to the actions of the Russian army, leadership and people. Russians and collaborators bear collective responsibility for the aggression against Ukraine, which they supported either with appropriate statements or silence. Worldwide condemnation and sanctions against the aggressor are the consequences of Russia’s criminal actions, and not vice versa, as Moscow is trying to convince everyone.

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