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Fake An American auditor who monitored the Western weapons supply in Ukraine was killed in Kyiv

Such information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that an American auditor who was investigating possible thefts in the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine was allegedly killed in Kyiv. The publications refer to an alleged press release from the Kyiv police. It's a lie.

Analysts from the StopFake project took up this case and found out that the Kyiv police did not report such an incident and did not publish a single press release about the murder of the auditor - which means this is simply an invention of Russian propaganda. The fact-checkers also contacted the US Embassy in Ukraine with a request to confirm or deny the death of an American auditor in Kyiv. The embassy told them that the “news” disseminated by Russian propaganda was fake.

Russian propaganda is trying to portray Ukraine as a cradle of corruption in order to devalue and neutralize Ukrainian intentions to combat corruption and further European integration measures. Allegedly, Ukrainian officials are ready to kill and get rid of Western auditors, just so as not to record the “theft” of Western weapons. In addition, the fight against corruption is one of the requirements of European integration. By spreading such fakes, propagandists are trying to show that corruption in Ukraine allegedly cannot be corrected, so it will not be accepted into the EU or NATO.

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