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Message Moscow is ready for negotiations, but on its own terms

The message is spread by the Russian media with reference to the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Mariia Zakharova. According to her, Russia always maintains a dialogue with everyone, even in the most difficult situations. Like, Russia is ready to wait for peace talks with Ukraine and this is its “good will”.

As the Center for Counteracting Disinformation notes, statements on the negotiations are heard at the highest level, but Russia insists that they should take place exclusively on their own terms.

Thus, Russia is trying to convince the Western audience that it is Ukraine that does not want to end the war. Also, under the pretext of the negotiation process, Russia plans to suspend hostilities in order to build up military potential and continue the occupation of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian authorities have announced the only condition for possible negotiations with Russia - this is the immediate cessation of the war against Ukraine and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the border of Ukrainian territories in 1991.

Previously, propagandists convinced that no one needed a war, that it was necessary to negotiate. Allegedly, Ukraine has unleashed a war with Russia and refuses any negotiations, moreover, Zelenskyi was forbidden to negotiate.

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