Spilnota Detector Media
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Фейк US Vice President allegedly announced intentions to reduce global population

Propaganda resources spread fake information about the US intention to reduce the world population. They refer to a video of US Vice President Kamala Harris without any context.

Myth Detector specialists drew attention to this. They explained that in a speech on July 14, Harris accidentally misspoke, saying the word “population” instead of “pollution”. The sentence came out: “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children will be able to breathe clean air and drink clean water”. The error was corrected in the official transcript released by the White House after the speech. However, propagandists continued to spread information that Harris was allegedly trying to combat climate change by reducing the population.

Russian propagandists use the vice-presidential clause to add to numerous conspiracy theories about the United States. In addition, on the eve of the US elections this year, they are trying to discredit American politicians and undermine their authority. This contributes to even greater polarization of society. This fake also distracts attention from other problems that are supposedly less significant.

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