Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Ukraine needs to be denazified.

Russian propaganda has been spreading this statement since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24. Vladimir Putin called that very denazification one of the reasons for launching a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and this is one of the demands of the Russian side during the negotiation process. However, it is unclear what denazification is, because in the speeches of the Russian side it always means something else: the elimination of the nationalist union; the transfer of "criminals", "responsible for bloody crimes against civilians in Donbass" to court; the abolition of any laws, which allegedly discriminate the Russian-speaking population; blocking the possibility for "followers of radical ideas to get into any structures of Ukrainian goverment."

However, Ukraine does not need to be denazified. Information about the need for denazification is refuted by fact-checkers from StopFake. "In fact, Ukraine does not need denazification. Far-right forces are not represented in the Ukrainian authorities and do not have significant electoral success. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky is from a Ukrainian-Jewish family. In Ukraine, the rights of the Russian-speaking population are not oppressed in any way,” the fact-checkers write.

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