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Фейк Territorial center of recruitment and social support representatives hand out draft notices at Prom.ua goods delivery points

Russian propagandists spread information that Ukrainian men are given draft notices near Prom.ua goods distribution points. As “proof” they add screenshots from a review site about these stores, where outraged users allegedly complain about the arbitrariness of the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support.

However, this information is not true, VoxCheck experts write. Firstly, the Prom.ua company does not have its own delivery points for goods - delivery is carried out by logistics companies or the goods can be picked up at pick-up points of online stores selling goods on Prom.ua.

Also in both screenshots above you can see the text First independent review site in Ukraine. This is the site OtzyvUA.net. Considering that responses to angry comments are written about the company Prom.ua, to create a fake, propagandists used the section of the site with reviews of this particular company. In the first screenshot one can see the complaint “Lawlessness of the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support!” from a user with the nickname Maryna on May 28. However, such a response does not really exist. There is one review on the platform for May 28 from another user, and it does not concern the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support.

In the screenshot of the propagandists below, under the fake response, there is another one, with the topic “WILD AND CREEPY. NO WORDS” dated May 14 from a user with the nickname Serhii. This review is real, between it and the review for May 28 there are nine other user reviews that are not in the screenshot from the propagandists' post. This means that the fakers took a screenshot of the response from the site, which was immediately after the response “WILD AND CREEPY. NO WORDS” and replaced it with a fake one, which describes “rude actions of Territorial centers of recruitment and social support representatives”. This is also confirmed by the fact that both the fake comment and the real one, which was immediately after “WILD AND CREEPY. NO WORDS”, wrote a user with the nickname Maryna and rated the service one star out of five.

The second screenshot shows a complaint with the subject “given a draft notice” for May 27 from a user with the nickname Vika. There is no such response either. There are no reviews at all on the OtzyvUA website for Prom.ua dated May 27. The fake review had one star rating for the quality of the store's work, two responses, three preferences from other users and contained the address - Stolychne Highway in Kyiv. According to these characteristics, only one response is suitable - dated May 22, and it does not mention the Territorial centers of recruitment and social support and the issuance of draft notices. That is, the propagandists took a screenshot of the original response for May 22, changed the date and text, and wrote a complaint about the alleged distribution of them. This is confirmed by the fact that the text of the service’s response to the original and fake review begins the same way: “Hello, Vika! It’s a pity that you have such an opinion about Prom”.

Moreover, VoxCheck specialists analyzed all reviews on Prom.ua on the platform for 2024 and did not find a single mention of agendas, front and Territorial centers of recruitment and social support. Previously, we refuted the information that Territorial centers of recruitment and social support employees announced an evacuation from Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, and then handed out draft notices.

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