Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк In Poland, the best places in hospitals go to Ukrainians, and due to the large number of refugees, Poles lack medicine.

Such statements have recently been spread in large numbers on the web in the format of copied records of "a friend from Lodz", "a sister with a small child who was sent home", and "hospitals that accept only refugees." This was reported by the ‘Brekhunets’ project with reference to PolskieRadio. Such messages say that the security guard did not let the author's four-year-old daughter into the city administration (hereinafter referred the name of the city), as he said that they only served Ukrainian children. "Hasn't it gone too far?" the message adds. In such texts names of cities, streets and offices change, but the part about four-year-old daughter and hospitals only for children from Ukraine remain the same. "This message should arouse hatred to refugees and increase panic. Unfortunately, there are people who do not check such news, but still share them, becoming unconscious parts of Russian propaganda," the fact-checkers write.

In fact, it's a fake. "It is unworthy and scandalous to spread rumors. For example, about the alleged "better beds for guests from Ukraine" or about the fact that "there is a lack of medicine" due to such a large number of refugees," said cardiologist, lipidologist, cardiovascular epidemiologist Professor Maciej Banach from Lodz Medical University. He added that it is dishonest to spread rumors that Ukrainians get to hospitals and clinics out of turn and without tests for COVID-19, because it's not true.


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