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Конспірологічні теорії How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: the theory of “energy manipulation”

The Ukrainian “energy manipulation” conspiracy theory is one of the new conspiracy theories, according to which the West is allegedly deliberately provoking an energy crisis by supporting Ukraine. Proponents of this theory believe that the United States and European countries are using the war in Ukraine to achieve their own economic and political goals, in particular, increasing energy prices and increasing the profits of their energy corporations. They say that the main problem is the “shortage of oil and gas” in the EU, and the attacks on the Ukrainian energy grid are allegedly fiction or exaggeration.

Conspiracy theorists claim that the West is allegedly deliberately creating a shortage of energy resources through sanctions against Russia. Propagandists note that sanctions lead to higher prices on world markets, which benefits Western energy companies. Part of the theory also includes the idea that energy companies are using the situation to strengthen their position in the market, increasing their income and influence with governments, without thinking about ordinary residents.

By spreading and using this theory, Russians are replacing the concept in the current situation. The main reason for the crisis in the energy sector is Russian aggression against Ukraine, which results in sanctions against Russian energy resources and attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

This conspiracy theory is actively spread by Russians through social networks, blogs and alternative media. It is often accompanied by misinformation and distorted facts, making it difficult to refute. The main goal of such conspiracies is to undermine trust in governments, international organizations and traditional media. For example, disseminating reports that electricity in Ukraine is being turned off allegedly in collusion with the Territorial center of recruitment and social support for easier mobilization. However, in fact, these shutdowns are not related to the mobilization process in Ukraine.

Russia is using this conspiracy theory in its information war against Ukraine and the West to justify its military aggression against Ukraine. They say that its actions are a response to the West’s “economic war” against Russia. This conspiracy theory is helping to fuel anti-Western sentiment both within Russia and among international audiences. This undermines trust in Western governments and their actions. The spread of this theory also contributes to the destabilization of the unity of Western countries and leads to internal disputes in European countries and the United States over their policies of support for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia.

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