Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Ukrainians burned Bulgarian flags in Kyiv

In social networks, in particular in the Russian segment of telegram channels, information was spread about the alleged burning of Bulgarian flags by Ukrainians in Kyiv. The authors add that the Ukrainians are killing different peoples, and this was one of the reasons for the full-scale invasion. Video evidence is also added to the publications.

Fact-checkers of the StopFake project investigated this case and found out that the incident with the burning of the flag of Bulgaria did indeed occur. However, not in Ukraine and not with the participation of Ukrainians. That is, this video has nothing to do with Ukraine. The incident took place in Macedonia in 2021 during a mass event. Bulgarian media are covering information about the act of vandalism over their flag. However, the checkers add the fact that one of the incidents with the Bulgarian flag did occur in Kyiv. In 2015, the then President of Bulgaria, Rosen Plevneliev, arrived in Kyiv on an official visit. The capital was previously decorated with Ukrainian and Bulgarian flags. Subsequently, during the night, unidentified people tore down the flag of Bulgaria and tore it up. But during the investigation it turned out that people mistook the flag of Bulgaria for Russian. This, as the detainee explained, was the only reason for the act of vandalism. That is, we are not talking about hatred for the Bulgarians or the desire to destroy them as a nation.

Propagandists are trying to portray Ukrainians as haters towards other cultures, religions or peoples. Thus, they demonize them and justify a large-scale invasion of Ukrainian lands. Allegedly, Ukrainians don't seem to respect anyone. Propagandists are trying to portray Ukrainians as haters towards other cultures, religions or peoples. Thus, they demonize them and justify a large-scale invasion of Ukrainian lands. Like, Ukrainians don't seem to respect anyone.

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