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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Маніпуляція Ukraine has unleashed a war with Russia and refuses any negotiations

Such a message is spread by the Russian media against the backdrop of a recent statement by the Chairman of the Council of Federations Valentyna Matvienko, who called on the Ukrainian delegation to immediate negotiations. The reports refer to Putin's speeches where he said that it was Ukraine that allegedly unleashed a war back in 2014, began to wage hostilities against itself, and subsequently refused to sit down at the negotiating table. However, then and now it is a lie.

According to StopFake fact-checkers, after the so-called "referenda" on September 28, Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that the occupation of Ukrainian territories made negotiations with Putin impossible. On September 30, the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine “On the actions of Ukraine in response to the attempt of the Russian Federation to annex the territories of our state in order to ensure the security of the Euro-Atlantic space, Ukraine and restore its territorial integrity” came into force. The document fixes the impossibility of negotiating with the current Russian president, but not with Russia.

In the spring of 2022, a series of Ukrainian-Russian negotiations took place to end the war. At the suggestion of the Ukrainian side, Russia continued to demand the surrender of Ukraine. Over the summer, Zelenskyi once again stressed that he was open to direct talks with President Putin “if we are ready to seriously discuss,” Zelensky said on June 7. The appeal said that Ukraine was ready to discuss the return of the territories. The Kremlin avoided negotiations under various pretexts.

After the successful counter-offensive of the Ukrainian army in the east and south of the country, the Kremlin's rhetoric has changed: now Russia has demanded peace talks. However, the words were not backed up by actions: at the end of September, Russia held illegal pseudo-referendums in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the results of which were not recognized by any democratic country in the world.

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