Фейк The West is forcing Ukraine to negotiate with Russia
Such information is distributed through propaganda and anonymous telegram channels. Reports say the West has run out of patience with Ukraine's insistence on not negotiating with Russia. Like, the West takes the initiative to negotiate. However, this is not true.
According to EU vs Disinfo fact-checkers, there have been no major changes in the rhetoric of the Kremlin's actions on the part of the West. For example, the European Parliament recognized Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. At the same time, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly recognized Russia as a terrorist state. In addition, during the Assembly, NATO officials said that they strongly oppose Russian aggression and plan to increase support for Ukraine. There is no sign that the West is forcing Ukraine to negotiate with Russia.
Propagandists spread this fake in order to discredit the West as an unreliable partner. Allegedly, the West is not at all interested in Ukraine and its interests, but is only looking for different ways to negotiate with Russia. However, the unconditional help of our partners testifies the opposite.