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Викриття The Kremlin has developed a methodology that the war in Ukraine should be compared with the First World War

The Meduza publication reported that the Kremlin had developed a manual for Russian propagandists by August 1. On this day in 1914, Germany declared war on the Russian Empire.

The authors of the manual say that the West constantly "draws" Russia into military confrontations, and Russia always participates in conflicts to protect "brotherly nations". According to Kremlin, in 1914, Russia "could not leave Serbia to its own devices."

The Kremlin calls the war in Ukraine "the modern Ukrainian crisis." Russian media should also tell their audience that after 2014, the West decided to "sponsor" in Ukraine "the raising of several generations of people who hate Russia and are ready to kill Russians with the help of xenophobic ideology and Russophobia."

A separate section of the manual deals with "Western interference" in Russia's internal affairs. Allegedly, the West sponsored the Bolsheviks and the events of 1917. Now, according to the manual, the West "finances non-systemic opposition, protest movements, and anti-Russian mass media."

It is also alleged that an "anti-American trend" will soon develop, so the United States "will not be able to find not only military Allie but even serious trade partners." The reasons for the spread of the "trend" are not reported.

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