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Викриття The Center for Countering Disinformation discovered Polish anti-Ukrainian TikTok profiles

Recently, the Polish segment of the TikTok social network has stepped up the distribution of anti-Ukrainian materials, the Center for Countering Disinformation reports.

Among the large number of TikTok accounts duplicating narratives in line with Russian propaganda, the following can be highlighted:

Martwyobywatel – the profile contains many videos discrediting Ukrainian refugees, as well as videos directed against the Ukrainian language. Narratives about the “Ukrainization of Poland” and the “displacement” of Polish culture by Ukrainians are spread here.

19_illegal_06 (SIEWCA_PRAWDY) – the page spreads anti-Ukrainian messages and memes to humiliate Ukrainians and discredit the Ukrainian political leadership. They fuel the narrative of the “Banderization of Poland” and promote hatred towards Ukrainian refugees.

Asherbur (Asher Burov-Şǔraev) – the page is run by a Russian citizen who lived in Lublin and now probably lives in Israel. The profile publishes videos on the topic of resistance to the “Ukrainization of Poland”, and also tries to portray Ukrainians in the worst possible light. There are also videos praising Putin and justifying Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

Polakpatriotaa – the profile contains narratives that are beneficial to Russia, directed against the Polish leadership, EU politicians and Ukrainians. Some publications by the account's authors try to intimidate Poles with the possibility of Poland's participation in the war against Russia. They spread the slogan “This is not our war” and call not to help Ukraine.

Previously, we wrote about how far-right movements in EU countries use TikTok to support Russian propaganda messages.

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