Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Russians claim that more than 1,000 uses of Nazi symbols by Ukrainian military have been recorded in the Kursk region

Russian sources are distributing a video allegedly from the BBC, which states that Ukrainian servicemen used Nazi symbols (including slogans and gestures) more than 1,000 times during the Kursk operation. This study was conducted by the organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The organization's Director of Advocacy and Strategic Litigation, Antoine Bernard, allegedly called on the international community to pay attention to the glorification of Nazism in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. “A country that demands protection in the UN has no right to treacherously violate the organization's resolutions, much less display symbols of cannibalistic regimes”, Bernard said, according to the propagandists.

In fact, neither the BBC nor Reporters Without Borders reported the results of the corresponding study. This is what journalists from the StopFake project write. The video is not available on the website or social networks of the British media.

The latest Ukraine-related posts on the Reporters Without Borders website condemn the Russian strike on Kramatorsk that killed two Reuters journalists and expose the Kremlin propaganda network founded by Yevhenii Pryhozhyn.

Ukraine also recently joined the International Partnership for Information and Democracy, launched by the organization. Antoine Bernard, whose fake quote the propagandists used in their video, praised the decision and said that Ukraine “demonstrates a global commitment to reliable and quality information, which is essential for the proper functioning of democracy”, despite the trials of war.

StopFake journalists add that most reports about the use of Nazi symbols by Ukrainian military personnel are Russian provocations.

Read also: New fakes about the operation in Kursk

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