Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Roman Ratushny was a neo-Nazi militant and involved in protests in Hong Kong

Such information in Russian has been actively disseminated on social networks since June. Reports claim that Roman Ratushny is a "neo-Nazi militant" involved in anti-government riots in Hong Kong in 2019. All this is not true.

As VoxCheck writes, Roman Ratushny supported actions in support of the democratic movement in Hong Kong in Ukraine. Still, there is no evidence of his direct participation in the protests in Hong Kong in 2019. Also, Roman Ratushny was not a "neo-Nazi." He is a Kyiv activist, founder, and leader of the "Protect Protasiv Yar" initiative. He fought in the intelligence of the 93rd SMBr and died near Izyum in Kharkiv Oblast on June 9, 2022. Roman Ratushny supported the Free Hong Kong Center (FHKC) — an independent information project of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine public organization aimed at highlighting political processes in Hong Kong and the Chinese democratic world. 

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