Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Pro-Russian resources are distributing a video “confirming the betrayal of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”

Pro-Russian telegram channels, in particular Polish ones, are distributing a video allegedly on the phone of a deceased Ukrainian soldier, “demonstrating the tragedy” of the situation at the front. According to propagandists, his own people abandoned him and another seriously wounded soldier: communication was cut off, ammunition was running out. Finally, in the description of the video they add that the recording allegedly clearly shows that the Ukrainian Armed Forces serviceman could not survive due to another betrayal of the command, which abandoned the soldiers to their fate.

However, this video is likely staged. Its author, posing as a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, most likely attached captured chevrons received in battle to his equipment. In addition, the video contains tragic music in the background, which Russian propagandists deliberately added to make the situation that allegedly developed with the “Ukrainian military” more emotional. The video also bears a watermark from one of the Russian propaganda telegram channels, which presumably became the primary source of distribution of the video. This gives additional reason to believe that this is a fake.

Staged video is one of the Russian propaganda tactics. A little earlier, we recorded a similar fake video, one of the messages of which was also “betrayal of command”. In the end, a certain similarity between these recordings is another argument in favor of the artificiality of the above video.

Pro-Russian resources say that this video is proof of the disdain of ordinary soldiers by the Ukrainian high military command. Thus, propagandists are trying to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

• Read on Censor.NET: Russians are filming fake videos about the Kursk region with people dressed in the uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - The Center of Countering Disinformation  - Detector Media.

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