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Фейк Poles divide Ukrainian migrants into “types”

Anonymous telegram channels, where pro-Russian rhetoric is spread, say that in Poland Ukrainians are allegedly divided into “types”. They say that the first two “privileged” groups are Ukrainians who lived in Poland before the start of a full-scale invasion or who came to stay with relatives already living in Poland. And the third “type” is Ukrainians who had no previous contacts with the Poles. Allegedly, such a division is also taken into account during employment, so residents of Western Ukraine are given priority. It's fake.

In such reports, the propagandists refer to a comment by the Vice-Rector for Research at the University of Warsaw, Professor Maciej Duszczyk. However, his comment had a very different meaning. In particular, he commented on the results of a survey recently commissioned by two major Polish media - the radio station RMF FM and the newspaper Dziennik Prawny. The topic of the survey is assistance to Ukraine and Ukrainians. In particular, Professor Duszczyk mentioned to the aforementioned radio station that at the moment, according to the results of the survey, the two most popular types of assistance among Poles to Ukrainians are humanitarian and military. None of the original (Polish-language) publications on the subject and Duszczyk's comments mention any of the divisions that the propagandists talk about.

Thus, propagandists want to create the illusion that Poland despises Ukrainians, and does not help them. Like, the Poles mock the Ukrainians, so they can't be our friends. In addition, for the use of such fakes, propaganda wants to increase the fear of an “attack” by Poland or the gradual “polonization” of Ukraine, which Detector Media has already written about.

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