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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк In Ukraine, visiting the graves of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine became paid

Russian news resources disseminate information that visiting the graves of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is paid in Ukraine. They claim that in Drohobych in the Lviv region they are not allowed to go to the cemetery without making an advance payment. Like, in this way Ukraine wants to hide the real number of dead. It's fake.

Analysts of the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that the fake appeared on the basis of one video that was distributed on social networks. On it, the relatives of the deceased soldier want to visit the cemetery and refuse to pay, to which the watchman replies that he can only let the military into the territory. This video was picked up by Russian propaganda.

In response to public outrage, the Drohobych city council published an explanation of the situation. In particular, city officials claim that tolls were introduced to the city cemetery years before the full-scale invasion to curb excessive traffic and maintain order in the area. Funds from the collections are used to improve the general condition of the cemetery.

Thus, Russia wants to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and cause mistrust among the Ukrainian society. They say that the “Kyiv regime” does not honor its heroes at all. However, the neglect of military personnel is a Russian problem, as evidenced, in particular, by the widespread practice of anonymous and secret burials among the Russian Armed Forces.

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