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Фейк In Ukraine, summonses began to be served to women

In pro-Russian Telegram channels, an image of a summon, allegedly handed to a woman in the city of Voznesenk in the Mykolaiv region, is being distributed. The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine emphasizes that it is a fake document. The photo clearly shows the spelling mistakes made by the propagandists, not knowing the Ukrainian language: «viyskovyy komisar» i «viyskovozobovyazanyy» without «ь», «liniya vydryzu» instead of «liniyi vidrizu».

According to "Detector Media" observations, the non-existent Kirova Street is indicated in the summons. It was renamed Odessa in November 2015.

We note that there has already been a case in Ukraine when a woman was served with a summons on the street. It happened in Ternopil during the curfew. Men in military uniforms approached Victoria and handed her a document with a seal and signature of the head of the Ternopil United City Center for Procurement and Social Support. On the morning of June 28, at 10:00 a.m. (stated in the summons), Victoria arrived at the territorial recruitment and social support center (the former Military Commissariat). According to her, the employees of the Military Committee were shocked that a woman came to them.

"They apologized to me, and they say they don't understand how it happened. According to their words, these men were not military personnel, as if they were not employees of the Military Commissariat who served the summons. They apologized and said that it would not happen again and let them go. I didn't ask any more questions," shares Victoria.

The former military commander assured the Ternopil woman that summonses would not be issued to women.

If you compare the summons handed to the woman in Ternopil with the summons from Voznesensk, you can see that documents have different types. The summons from Ternopil does not have a "cut-off line" mark; at the beginning, it says "you have to appear," not "order you to appear," as in the fake summons from the Mykolaiv region. By the way, the word "order" is used in the summons handed out in the previously occupied Donetsk region.

Moreover, in terms of its form with "cut-off lines," the summons from Voznesensk is more like a document from the occupied territory because nothing needs to be cut off in Ukrainian summonses.

The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine reminds us that registration of women should begin on October 1, 2022. It means that a woman becomes a conscript and is in the reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, or other military formations. But these are only women of those professions, defined in the order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine dated October 11, 2021 #313. Women with minor children under 18 are not subject to conscription for military service due to mobilization. Registration is not mobilization. All women who serve now do it voluntarily and/or under contract. In wartime, women can be accepted for military service and service in the military reserve only by contract and voluntarily.    

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