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Викриття How Russian propagandists distorted the White House statement about the events in the Kursk region

Russian telegram channels disseminated information that the United States intends to “invite clarification” to Kyiv regarding the course of events in the Kursk region. The corresponding statement was allegedly made in the White House.

In fact, propagandists distorted the words of the White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, writes the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council. He said that the United States has not changed its policy regarding allowing Ukraine to use the provided weapons “on targets that pose an imminent threat on the other side of the border”. Kirby also added that officials “will be in contact with Ukrainian counterparts to gain a better understanding of the situation”. This is stated in the material of the American publication Bloomberg. That is, the wording about “inviting clarifications” from Kyiv from the White House on the situation in the Kursk region is incorrect - it was invented by Russian propagandists.

Also, the representative of the US State Department, Matthew Miller, also stated that the possible actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region “do not violate US policy”. He confirmed that the US had not received warnings about possible operations on Russian soil, adding: “It is not unusual for Ukraine to not tell us its exact tactics before implementing them”.

By manipulating information, Russians seek to fuel their narrative that Ukraine is a “puppet state” and is led either by the “collective West” or by “Washington and London”. That is why Ukraine seems to have to coordinate all its decisions with “Western leaders”. However, Ukraine is an independent and sovereign state, and such propagandists' reproaches are aimed at declaring the fictitious dependence of the Ukrainian government.

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