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Викриття How are they going to hold an event in Vienna where Russian narratives will be disseminated?

On June 10-11, an international summit For Peace in Ukraine is scheduled to be held in Vienna. It will be attended by representatives of “Russia, Ukraine and various NATO countries that support the goals of peace” in order to “put an end to the war and prepare for negotiations”. However, the “summit” will be the responsibility of an organization whose leadership, in their statements, spreads the messages of Russian propaganda, like most of the people on the list of participants. The goal of the summit is to prepare an appeal “Vienna Call for Peace”, which is planned to be submitted to the Embassies of Russia, Ukraine and NATO countries, as well as international organizations for further work on a “peaceful settlement of the war”.

Analysts of the VoxCheck project drew attention to the event. They analyzed the official program of the summit and found many repetitions of Russian propaganda in it. For example, the organizers note that they “condemn Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine”, but then they write that NATO is responsible for it. Like, NATO provoked Russia to attack. The program of the event does not include meetings on the return of temporarily occupied territories to Ukraine, reparations or punishment of war criminals - these topics are simply ignored.

The event is organized by a number of public organizations, including the International Peace Bureau and the Alliance for Peace, Neutrality and Non-Violence. Former International Peace Bureau Executive Director Rainer Braun is spreading Russian propaganda, VoxCheck analysts have found. In particular, he said that the expansion of NATO is the reason for the invasion of Russia, and sanctions against it will make the Europeans suffer. Despite being fired from the organization in 2019, it continues to invite him to its events. In addition, the Bureau itself publishes statements that Ukraine allegedly “violates the right to refuse military service”, although it does not mention forced mobilization in Russia and the occupied territories. The Action Alliance promotes the ideas of “neutrality”. using for this purpose the statements of persons accused of treason, in particular Ruslan Kotsaba, who has now joined the new project of Viktor Medvedchuk Another Ukraine. The event will also be financed by organizations spreading Russian rhetoric.

Among the speakers, one can find the theoretical linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky from the United States, who promotes the messages of Russian propaganda in his speeches. In particular, he believes that NATO provoked Russia into a war against Ukraine. Member of the US House of Representatives Dennis Kucinich is also represented at the plenary session of the summit. Since 2014, he has been condemning US sanctions against Russia, and has also been spreading messages about “Ukrainian Nazis” and a “coup d'état”. Last year, Kucinich accused Joe Biden of starting World War III, and this year he organized a rally against aid to Ukraine. Speakers include Jeffrey Sachs, an American economist, Yurii Sheliazhenko, executive secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, and others spreading Russian rhetoric.

In fact, holding this event will help Russian propagandists to further spread their disinformation and strengthen its anti-Ukrainian messages. Like, the whole world is behind Russia. However, the military and political support of NATO countries is larger than such events.

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