Фейк "Azov" in Kupyansk killed and buried people who cooperated with Russian authorities in mass graves
Pro-Kremlin Telegram channels distributed a fragment of the video with this caption. In fact, Russian propagandists dispersed their crimes online. Ex-commander of the "Azov" regiment Maksym Zhorin published in a telegram a video from the mass grave, which he took from the phone of the Russian occupier.
"Look carefully at the executioners. It's clear to everyone that the Russian military carried out this execution of ordinary civilians in the occupied city. The full video is now with the investigation. Russian soldiers will be identified. There will be payback!" he wrote. Russian propagandists took from Zhorin's telegram those fragments of the video. It doesn't show who is killing people, but Russian propaganda spread it, as allegedly "Azovians" killed people in Kupyansk.
Shifting responsibility for one's war crimes is a typical tactic of Russian propaganda. After mass graves with hundreds of tortured people were discovered in Bucha, Izyum, and Lyman, liberated from the Russians, propagandists launch fakes as if it isn't their fault every time.
The Russians have recently used all sorts of methods to "prove" that the Ukrainian army during the counterattack is "clearing" areas of "civilians who lived under occupation." Thus, they also want to cause distrust in the Ukrainian military, particularly the "Azovs," who have long turned into neo-Nazi horror films in Russian fakes. They want to sow fear among people before the liberation of the occupied territory.