Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк Al Jazeera published a video selection with angry comments of Ukrainians about the passengers of the Titan bathyscaphe

Propagandists are distributing a video purporting to be a compilation created by Al Jazeera. It analyzes the comments of Ukrainians on the death of the crew members of the submersible Titan. In particular, according to it, the Ukrainians “massively accuse” the passengers of the bathyscaphe of squandering. As confirmation of such conclusions, the authors of the video used the following “comments”: “Ukraine needs help while these people are spending a fortune on stupid entertainment”, “250 thousand dollars to “view”? It is not surprising that they disappeared”, “While they hang out, we really drown. I hope they don't get rescued”. It's fake.

Specialists in the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that the video was not real. Its authors specifically used the logo of the Qatari television company and their design. The fact that this video has nothing to do with Al Jazeera was announced by the company's official English-language Twitter account. According to the channel's explanation, the fake was noticed after Reuters journalists asked for a comment on it. The company representative also noted that propagandists had already used the Al Jazeera branding to create other anti-Ukrainian fakes, in particular, reports that Ukrainian fans were allegedly detained in Qatar for “propaganda of Nazism”.

By creating and spreading such fakes, propagandists want to show Ukrainians as aggressive and ungrateful. Like, they don't care about someone else's grief, because the only thing they need the West for is money and weapons. This reinforces anti-Ukrainian stereotypes in Russian propaganda to justify the crimes of Russians.

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