Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Фейк The "Mriya" plane destroyed by the Russian troops was taken for disposal - "for scrap metal"

The source of this "news" was the site "Strana.ua," which repeatedly spreads fakes and narratives of Russian propaganda. She was picked up by several Russian and Ukrainian media. The video from the news shows parts of the plane being pulled out of the hangar. Allegations about the disposal of "Mriya" were refuted by the state enterprise "Antonov" and called unreliable.

"We emphasize that Antonov closely cooperates with law enforcement and investigative bodies of Ukraine to gather evidence of crimes committed by the Russian occupiers.

The video, which served as the basis for disseminating this inaccurate information, was filmed in a "pirated" way and distributed without the consent of Antonov and the relevant government agencies, " the statement said.

The world's largest An-225 aircraft, the “Mriya,” was destroyed by Russian troops in the first days of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 27. The airport in Gostomel, where the plane was based, was one of the first to be hit by the Russians. Aviation experts believe that the aircraft was explicitly destroyed to prevent its recovery.

The National Police of Ukraine conducts a series of examinations on the consequences of destroying the “Mriya.” The 360war.in.ua volunteer project, which shows the effects of the war in Ukraine, has created a virtual tour of the wrecked plane and airport in Gostomel.

Earlier, President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that Ukraine should build a new “Mriya” plane and dedicate it to the memory of the pilots killed in the war.

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