Spilnota Detector Media

Fake Turkey supplies Ukraine with cluster munitions

Russian media and pro-Russian resources are spreading information that Turkey is supplying Ukraine with Cold war-era cluster bombs. The primary source of the messages is an article in the American edition of Foreign Policy. Its authors refer to anonymous sources among US and EU officials. It's fake.

The message was denied by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Turkey Vasyl Bodnar. He noted that information about the supply of cluster bombs is deliberately disseminated in order to blow up Ukrainian-Turkish relations and create a bad image of Ukraine and Turkey in the world. According to StopFake, the Foreign Policy material “Turkey sends Cold War cluster bombs to Ukraine” contains value judgments without specific evidence provided by witnesses or participants in such shipments.

According to the Cluster Munition Coalition, an international group on combating the use of cluster munitions, the Russian army used them hundreds of times in 2022 in ten of Ukraine's 24 regions. This could have affected more than 600 civilians. Thus, Russian propaganda uses the tactics of reflection and tries to cover up its own crimes.

Previously, propagandists accused Ukraine of allegedly supplying Azerbaijan with banned phosphorus munitions; allegedly Ukraine used chemical weapons against the Russian military in the Zaporizhzhia region. Russian propaganda also said that supposedly Russia does not have banned chemical weapons.

Manipulation Russian missiles “Avanhard” became a “headache” for the United States

Russian media and pro-Russian resources write that, according to Japan, Avanhard hypersonic missiles have become a “real headache” for the United States. They say that even American air defense systems are not capable of intercepting such missiles. The original source is the Japanese edition of Shukan Gendai. This is manipulation.

In fact, an article in the Japanese edition of Shukan Gendai “Fear of the latest Russian nuclear weapons Avanhard” refers to the danger of this system for Ukraine, and not for the United States. The material does not mention that these Russian weapons “became a headache for the United States”. Moreover, Putin spoke about the fact that such missiles cannot be shot down by any air defense and missile defense system, but there is no evidence of this. At the same time, the United States has never said that it is providing Ukraine with the Patriot air defense system to counter the nuclear threat. According to StopFake analysts, this article is contradictory, and the conclusions made by the author indicate a superficial knowledge of the situation in Ukraine.

Russian propaganda distorted the content of the article and added non-existent quotes to promote the message of their own “power”. Previously, propagandists manipulated photos of new Russian tanks.

Message The transfer of Leopard tanks by Poland is a “theater performance” that will not affect anything

Russian media and pro-Russian telegram channels write about this after the message of Polish President Andrzej Duda about the transfer of Leopard tanks to Ukraine. Propagandists write that this will not affect the front in any way. They say that these tanks will not provide Ukraine with a decisive advantage. It seems to be just a demonstration of support for Ukraine.

In fact, in this way, Russian propaganda is trying to be proactive and use the tactics of depreciation after any reports of providing new weapons to Ukraine. The same messages are now being extended to the Patriot air defense system, which the United States plans to transfer. Like, one installation will not cope with so many Russian missiles, so there will be no significant changes.

Manipulation In Kharkiv, the Russians destroyed a warehouse with ammunition

Russian media and pro-Russian resources report that, allegedly on January 10, in Kharkiv, Russians struck at the pyrotechnics, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine stored ammunition. It seems that in addition to fireworks, explosions of shells were also heard. The reports also suggested that the personnel of the Ukrainian army were allegedly in the same place. This is manipulation.

The Russians really struck into the pyrotechnics in Kharkiv. On the spot, law enforcement officers seized fragments of a cluster shell, previously from the Smerch MLRS. After hitting a one-story warehouse building, a fire broke out. According to the Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center, this store of pyrotechnics has been renting this warehouse for about 20 years.

There is no confirmation of the detonation of ammunition. According to preliminary information, there are no victims either, which refutes the propagandists' assumptions about the placement of Ukrainian servicemen nearby. Local residents also confirmed that it was pyrotechnics that exploded, and not shells.

Message The Kyiv totalitarian regime is waging a culture war against Russia

Russian propaganda is spreading messages that the actions of the Ukrainian authorities are comparable to the Taliban. They say that the demolition of the monument to Catherine II in Odesa, which was a “sacred symbol” for many Ukrainians, is reminiscent of the destruction of Buddha statues in the Bamiyan Valley by the Taliban in 2001. The fact-checkers of EU vs Disinfo drew attention to the spread of the message.

Russian propaganda systematically manipulates the theme of a “single Russian-Ukrainian cultural space” and universal history. Also, propagandists systematically use comparisons of Ukraine or Ukrainians with criminal regimes for manipulation and emotional pressure. The dismantling of the monument to Catherine II in Odesa was repeatedly used to spread messages about russophobia and create a destructive image of Ukrainians. In fact, the monument was dismantled after a long public discussion, that is, in a democratic, not totalitarian way.

Message SSU digs up the corpses of civilians to stage a provocation and accuse Russia of war crimes

Russian propaganda tells a foreign audience that the State Bureau of Investigation and the SSU (Security service of Ukraine) allegedly organized excavations of graves in the villages of Kozacha Lopan, Velykyi Burluk, Shypovate and Khatnie in the Kharkov region. Like, they are digging up the burial places of local residents who died of natural causes during the stay of Russian troops in these settlements. As if, after the exhumation, the bodies of these Ukrainians were mutilated and thrown into special pits in the vicinity of the villages in order to create false evidence of “torture” and “execution” of civilians by Russian soldiers. Allegedly now, Secret Service and police agents are photographing and filming these bodies and “imitating the work of forensic and other experts in front of fake “witnesses”. The fact-checkers of EU vs Disinfo drew attention to the spread of the message.

In the Kharkiv region, the exhumation of those who died as a result of Russian aggression and the recording of Russia's war crimes are indeed continuing. At the end of October 2022, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reported that they had already recorded about forty thousand war crimes. Therefore, Russian propaganda is once again trying to hide what they have done and expose Russia as a victim of provocations.

Manipulation Ukraine recognizes the effectiveness of Russian cyberattacks

Russian media report that Ukraine allegedly recognized the effectiveness of Russian cyberattacks on critical infrastructure. Russian propaganda claims that Viktor Zhora, Deputy Chairman of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, told Politico about this. This is not true.

The Politico article referred to by the propagandists does not say a word about the effectiveness of Russian cyberattacks. As StopFake writes, the material states that such attacks should be considered war crimes, since they are aimed at the critical and civilian infrastructure of Ukraine. At the same time, both the SBU (Security service in Ukraine) and the State Special Communications Service reported that during the full-scale war, Russian hackers did not achieve strategic goals. Ukrainian experts collect evidence of cyberattacks carried out by Russia together with missile attacks, and transfer this information to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

At the end of 2022, the Security Service of Ukraine said that they neutralized hundreds of Russian cyber attacks and cyber incidents on Ukrainian energy facilities, of which about 30 could become supercritical. The State Service for Special Communications reported that 2,100 cyber incidents and cyber attacks were recorded against Ukraine, of which more than 1,500 were initially made after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Most often, Russian hackers attack the public sector, especially the energy sector.

Manipulation Ukrainians have become a shield for NATO, Ukrainian Defense Minister rejoices

Telegram channels supervised by Russian intelligence spread reports that Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov is “rejoicing” that the Ukrainians have “become a shield for NATO”, and all the sacrifices of the Ukrainians “for this”. This is manipulation.

Telegram channels cut out a piece of video from the interview of the Minister of Defense to Olena Froliak, the TV presenter of “Okna” (“Windows”) on STB, where he says that now, finally, after 10 months of war, his colleagues from Europe and the United States recognize what they denied at the beginning of the war: it is Ukraine now defends the civilizational choice of all of Europe and the Western world as such. And now, in fact, it is Ukraine that is fulfilling the NATO mission that the alliance set for itself. Therefore, Reznikov believes, NATO countries are not providing assistance to Ukraine quickly enough, recognizing the fact that Ukrainians, among other things, are saving them from Russia.

Message Zelenskyi could have stopped the war, but the West did not let him do it

Telegram channels from a network supervised by Russian intelligence spread the message that President Zelenskyi allegedly could have held talks with Putin during the Beijing Olympics as early as February, so the war would not have started. But Ukraine's Western partners seem to have banned Zelenskyi from going to Beijing, because they “had their own plans for Ukraine”. This is manipulation.

The information that Zelenskyi was supposedly banned from going to Beijing is spread with reference to an article in the Financial Times, which, citing sources, says: Putin did not warn Chinese President Xi Jinping about plans for a Russian invasion of Ukraine. And Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Le Yucheng was even demoted because he could not foresee the invasion. This Financial Times story denies the earlier notion that China has asked Putin not to go into war in Ukraine before the Olympics are over.

In this material, there is no mention of a possible visit or negotiations between Zelenskyi and Putin at all. And there are no facts or arguments in favor of the theory that Zelenskyi wanted to leave for Beijing or planned to do so, but someone or something prevented him.

At the same time, it is known that before Putin's trip to Beijing, his press secretary Pieskov reported that Putin did not plan to meet with anyone other than the head of China, including due to COVID restrictions. A few days before Putin's visit to China, Russian Foreign Minister Serhii Lavrov offered Zelenskyi to meet with Putin in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Sochi, but immediately warned that Donbas or Crimea's ownership could not be topics of discussion. Zelinskyi refused such an offer, and later said that he did not plan to visit Beijing - instead, he had meetings scheduled in Kyiv with representatives of Ukraine's allied countries.

Fake SSU threatens deportation of men abroad

A screenshot of a message allegedly sent by the SSU (Security Service of Ukraine) is being circulated on social networks. The message refers to the need for men who are abroad to urgently appear at “points for the preparation and recruitment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”. If the man does not show up voluntarily, the SSU plans to go to court “in order to deport the person liable for military service to Ukraine”. This message is fake.

As StopFake journalists found out, the box of this message was first published in the Typical Odesa telegram channel, which distributes Russian propaganda. Subsequently, it was published by other propaganda telegram channels.

The message contains grammatical and factual errors: for example, there are no “points for the preparation and recruitment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”. They are officially called territorial recruitment and social support centers. It is also known that the SBU does not use the telegram channel to send any messages.

Fake Russia inflicted a “retaliation strike” on Kramatorsk

The Russian Ministry of Defense claims to have “avenged” the murdered Russian mobilized who died in the dormitory of a vocational school in Makiyivka on the night of January 1, 2023. Russian propagandists write about a “retaliation strike” against Kramatorsk, which allegedly killed 600 Ukrainian soldiers. But these statements by the Russian Ministry of Defense are fake, refuted by foreign media, the Ukrainian army leadership, and even Russian “patriotic channels”.

According to Ihor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, Russian artillery hit dormitories No. 28 and No. 47 in Kramatorsk. But four film crews of foreign media - Antti Kuronen, a Finnish journalist from the Yle television and radio company, CNN journalists, Daniele Raineri, a correspondent for the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, and Reuters journalists - visited these two buildings and did not find any evidence of the death or injury of Ukrainian military or civilians. Moreover, both buildings are almost unscathed - only one had broken windows, the other building was not damaged at all. Local residents heard the explosions, but did not see any ambulances or the work of rescuers. Russian missiles definitely hit near the buildings: one crater is located near the school, the other missile, judging by the photographs, hit the garage. The Grey Zone telegram channel, close to Wagner's private military company, wrote that although the hostel buildings themselves were not destroyed, the Russian command “should hold their noses, since the decision-making center is probably located in the garage”. Other z-patriotic channels called Konashenkov's statements a lie. The Ukrainian army also said that the Russian Ministry of Defense is lying.

Fake Kherson is shelled by Ukrainian mobile mortar groups

Collaborator Volodymyr Saldo, who calls himself the “interim governor” of the Kherson region, spread a fake in an interview on Volodymyr Soloviov’s channel that the Ukrainian military is randomly shelling Kherson, and the Russian army has nothing to do with the shelling. In addition, he said that the Ukrainian military were shelling the Ukrainian city with “mobile mortar groups”.

What “mobile mortar groups” are, according to Saldo, is not clear, as it is not clear why the Ukrainian army should shell a city with civilian Ukrainian citizens at all. At the same time, Saldo claims that Ukrainian “mortar groups” only fire at “significant objects”, they do it at night and solely because they are afraid of “security units”, as if they are shooting those who do not follow the instructions to “shell Kherson”.

The “security units” that travel around the city with “mobile groups” are an invention of Saldo himself. But the fake information about “mortar mobile groups” of the Ukrainian army appeared during the first stage of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014. This is written in the publication “Bridge”.

At that time, Russian propaganda spread the same stories about Ukrainian “mortar mobile groups” that allegedly shelled Luhansk, Donetsk and other occupied cities of Donbas. It is clear that there were no “mobile groups”, and Luhansk, Donetsk and, for example, Shakhtarsk were fired upon by militants of various criminal groups such as the Zaria (Star) battalion. The head of the so-called LNR (Luhansk national republic), Valerii Bolotov, spoke about this in an interview with Russian media in 2016. There is other evidence that Luhansk was shelled by the Luhansk residents themselves, who joined illegal armed formations. Read more about this here.

Fake Zelenskyi and other officials and politicians enriched themselves in 2022

Russian media and users of the Georgian and Russian language segments of Facebook are distributing BBC infographics, allegedly created according to the American edition of Forbes, from which it follows that the military-political leadership of Ukraine enriched themselves during the war. But this is fake.

Russian media report that Volodymyr Zelenskyi's capital has grown from $650 million to $1.5 billion. Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, and adviser to the head of the presidential office Mykhailo Podoliak also seem to have become billionaires; Volodymyr Klychko’s fortune reached almost 800 million dollars.

As noted by the Myth Detector project, a created graphic is a forgery. On December 27, 2022, Forbes Ukraine did indeed publish a list of the 20 richest people in the country, but none of the Ukrainian politicians mentioned in posts of Russian-language media appears on it. The top five richest Ukrainians in 2022 look like this: Renat Akhmetov, Viktor Pinchuk, Konstiantyn Zhevaho, as well as two IT entrepreneurs - Oleksii Shevchenko and Maksym Lytvyn. Everyone who used to be on the lists of the richest people in Ukraine, and those who were in the top 20 for the first time, have significantly lost their fortune this year. The BBC actually created its own infographic based on the Ukrainian Forbes data, all the data of it coincide with the Forbes data, and there is no president, no defense minister, or other officials in it.

We recall that earlier Russian media have already spread fakes about the status of Volodymyr Zelenskyi and called him a dollar billionaire. According to estimates, in fact, Zelenskyi's fortune is estimated at 20-30 million dollars.

Message Russia suffers from a constant sense of insecurity, so Ukraine must remain neutral

Pro-Russian and propaganda telegram channels write that the 56th US ex-secretary of State argues that Ukraine should be left alone and not be included into any institutions and organizations such as the EU and NATO. Like, if Ukraine joined NATO, the borders of the North Atlantic Alliance would be within 500 kilometers from Moscow. Propagandists say that then Russia will experience a constant threat and danger from NATO.

Fake Moldova gave Ukraine the opportunity to control its airspace, in particular to shoot down missiles

Such a message is distributed through social networks and hostile telegram channels. It says that since Ukraine and Moldova have agreed to cooperate in the field of air defense, Ukraine will have the right to shoot down missiles in Moldovan airspace. It is not true.

In fact, according to VoxCheck fact-checkers, neither Ukraine nor Moldova announced such agreements. Recently, however, the countries have agreed to cooperate on air defense. There is no information about whether the possibility of Ukraine shooting down missiles in Moldovan airspace was discussed at the meeting at all. The official parties to the talks made no such statements.

Fake In the US, they noted the successes of Russian troops in the war

Such a message is distributed through social networks and hostile telegram channels. It says that Russia is defeating Ukraine, and this was even noted in the United States. Allegedly, the United States is convinced that Ukraine will lose. As evidence, propagandists refer to the material of the Reuters news agency, in which they allegedly talked about this. However, this is not true.

In fact, as StopFake experts say, the US Department of Defense did not note the total success of Russia, and even in some areas. However, it is true that the latest briefings by the US Department of Defense said that although heavy fighting is underway for Bakhmut, Ukraine continues to hold the city. Consequently, the United States did not recognize the actions of the Russian troops as completely successful.

Manipulation ​​Ukraine demands to destroy Belarus by opening a second front

Such information appeared in Russian propaganda media and telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. Like, in Ukraine they “called” to open a second front and “destroy Belarus”. Propaganda reports say that ex-representative of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vladyslav Selezniov called for such actions on the air of the FreeDom TV channel. According to the propagandists, the Ukrainians are trying to “rub Belarus into dust”. It is also reported that Selezniov allegedly called for strikes against military targets and critical infrastructure on the territory of Belarus using American HIMARS systems. However, this is all manipulation.

The fact checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case. In a commentary to fact-checkers, Selezniov denied the propagandists’ allegations and explained that in fact, the interview said that there should be an adequate response to some kind of attack from the territory of Belarus. There was no talk of any demand to open a second front. As StopFake writes, in an interview with FreeDom, Vladyslav Selezniov spoke about the use of HIMARS systems on Belarusian territory, answering the question of what the consequences would be for the Belarusian regime if Belarus entered the war against Ukraine. To this, Selezniov replied that in this case the Belarusian regime would fall, and the Belarusian army, although it spends a lot of time at the training grounds, is not ready to participate in the war, and is also well aware of how they will be met in Ukraine.

Fake Ukraine threatens Germany with war

This thesis is spread by Russian propaganda media, as well as telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. The reports say that Ukraine has switched to “aggressive blackmail” of European allies and allegedly began to “openly threaten to unleash hostilities” on the territory of the European Union if it refuses to supply heavy armored vehicles to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. According to propagandists, if the Germans do not hand over heavy armored vehicles to Kyiv, the Europeans will have to forget about peace. The reports add that foreigners have already understood the danger of flirting with the Kyiv regime. However, this is all fake.

Ukraine does not threaten Germany with war. The fact checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case. According to them, the disinformation is based on a quote from Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksii Danylov, who spoke on January 4. However, Danylov did not make any statements about Ukraine's intention to “unleash a war in Europe”. The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council reflected on the risks for the countries of the European Union that arose in connection with Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine. That is, on the contrary, Danylov spoke about the possible expansion of Russian aggression to other European countries.

Fake The Russian army destroyed the “stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” at the ice arena in Druzhkivka

Russian media and telegram channels write that on January 2, rockets destroyed a “stronghold and ammunition warehouse”, which was allegedly located at the Altair ice arena in Druzhkivka. But this is fake.

As StopFake writes, both local authorities and local residents confirm that Altair was used as a part of humanitarian aid. For example, the head of the department of culture, family, youth and sports of Druzhkivka city council Yuliia Pyvovar in a commentary for Svoi.City:

“This is not a military facility at all. This is a completely civilian facility. We had a humanitarian aid warehouse on the ice arena, that is, there we had mattresses, blankets, pillows, there were containers for drinking water, directly the supply of drinking water that we had in the community. There were means for heating there, that is, potbelly stoves, heaters. This is, in general, the facility that we used to store humanitarian aid. There has never been any military there since the beginning of the war”, Pyvovar said. This information is confirmed by local residents in social networks, writes StopFake.

Fake The war in Ukraine is part of the West's secret plan to destroy China

Such messages are distributed through social networks and hostile telegram channels. It says that for 10 years the West has been preparing Ukraine for a confrontation with Russia, and thus has set its sights on China. Like, the Russian attack was part of a plan to start a war, because the West will provide weapons to destroy first Russia and then China. However, this is not true.

Experts from the EU vs Disinfo project say that the United States, the EU and some NATO member countries are providing Ukraine with military assistance to repel unprovoked Russian aggression. Ukraine receives weapons for the sole purpose of restoring its territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders. That is, we are not talking about the destruction of a particular country. However, the entire international community is helping Ukraine to expel the invaders from its territory.

Propagandists spread this message to show Ukraine as a puppet of the West, undermining the statehood and sovereignty of Ukraine. At the same time, this statement was intended to justify the war of conquest by Russia, because it seems that all this is a conspiracy to organize the destruction of countries.

Manipulation Zelenskyi refuses a truce for Christmas

Russian telegram channels are spreading reports that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi “has officially abandoned the Christmas truce”, which, propagandists say, demonstrates the “inhumanity” of the Ukrainian authorities. But this is manipulation.

In reality, no one offered Ukraine a Christmas truce. Only the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kyryl (Hundaiev), called for a ceasefire on Christmas Day, and he addressed “all parties involved in the conflict”, that is, the military-political leadership of both Russia and Ukraine. And Russia did not respond to these proposals at all. But the adviser to the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Polodoliak answered and called these calls of Hundaiev “a cynical trap and an element of propaganda”.

And he reminded: since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Kyrylo has supported this war, calls it “sacred” and “metaphysical”, promises forgiveness of sins for those who died in this war, and even blesses those who go to kill Ukrainians.

In addition to the fact that Kyrylo is one of the propagandists of this war (for which he was sanctioned by some countries), he also, together with state propaganda, divides Ukrainians into varieties on religious grounds since many people in Ukraine (Catholics, Greek Catholics, and part of the Orthodox) celebrate Christmas according to a different calendar, that is, on December 25. But two weeks ago, Kyrylo didn't care whether people would die under shelling on Christmas Day on December 25 or not. And the Russian army shelled the Ukrainians both on Christmas and New Year - massively launched rockets, drones, shelled infrastructure and destroyed houses, hospitals and kindergartens.

And, finally, it is known in advance that the Russian side that actually makes the decision (that is, the military-political leadership of Russia, and not the head of its church) is not interested in a truce for the holidays. This was announced on December 14 by Putin's press secretary Dmytro Pieskov. Then, answering the questions of propagandists, whether a truce is possible for the New Year or Christmas holidays, he replied: “No proposals have been received from anyone, and such a topic is not on the agenda”. That is, the very idea of a truce for the holidays was rejected by Russia back in December.

Manipulation The West can not count on Ukraine's victory

Russian media are spreading news reports that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is urging the West not to count on a Kyiv victory and to prepare for negotiations, although it is not known when they will begin. This is a manipulation brought to the attention of the StopFake fact-checker project.

Some of Stoltenberg's words were taken from his extensive interview with the BBC's World at One, Radio 4, but he did not say anything about the need to prepare for negotiations or about acknowledging Ukraine's imminent defeat in this war. On the contrary, he said that the West needs to prepare for long-term support for Ukraine because the war is on the verge of attrition, and it will not stop quickly. But both in this interview and in others, Stoltenberg repeatedly said that before sitting down at the negotiating table that ends any war, Ukraine must defeat Russia at the front. And the Ukrainian army has such plans and capabilities that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have repeatedly demonstrated.

Message In the Ukrainian information space, censorship is much greater than in Russia

Such a message is spread by pro-Russian telegram channels. Like, censorship has become the main tool of power for concealment of corruption, criminal orders or command errors. It seems that the situation with the shelling clearly demonstrated this - the Ukrainian authorities are “rejoicing” at the shelling of Makiyivka, but they are silent about Druzhkivka.

Message Russia will avenge the “innocently killed” soldiers in Makiyivka

In the Russian information space and pro-Russian telegram channels, they are discussing the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Makiyivka at midnight on January 1, as a result of which up to 10 units of enemy military equipment of various types were destroyed. Also, according to preliminary data, it was the death of about 400 Russian servicemen and about 300 more wounded. According to the latest reports, the Russian General Staff acknowledged the death of only 89 soldiers.

Russian propaganda depicts the dead military as “innocently killed” and calls for revenge on Ukraine for the death of “sons and men”. At the time of death, the armed Russian military were in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and were directly involved in the war against Ukraine. That is, according to international law, they were a legitimate target for the Ukrainian army, defending its territory and its people.

Despite the fact that Russia started a war against Ukraine, Russian propaganda systematically spreads messages about revenge on Ukraine for any successful military actions and denies the right of Ukrainians to defend their state.

Message In the war “to the last” Ukrainians will “run out” faster than Russians

Pro-Russian telegram channels write that the Americans are allegedly satisfied with the state of affairs in Ukraine, in particular, the course of the war. Like, the Americans understand that statistically there are four times more Russians than Ukrainians, but they “like everything”.

To promote the message, the Russian propaganda took the words of US Senator Lindsey Graham out of context. Graham said that he likes the way the United States is now supporting Ukraine in the war against Russia and this is very important. It was about the fact that US assistance allows Ukraine not to give up. The propagandists are shifting the focus to the literal perception of Graham's words about “struggle to the last Ukrainian” and manipulate the reference to statistics.