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Fake Ukrainians are scammers: they go to Germany, draw up social benefits and immediately return home

Such information was massively distributed on social networks. In particular, Whatsapp. A voice message circulating on the messenger said that Ukrainians are social scammers because they come to Germany on Flixbus, receive a Hartz IV payout, sometimes even without a registered address, and immediately return to Ukraine. The message also added that the authorities of the country tolerate all the falsifications carried out by the Ukrainians because they have such an instruction to do so.

However, as the analysts of the Corrective project write, there is no confirmation that such cases of fraud were actually recorded. Analysts asked Flixbus, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Employment Agency if they were aware of alleged massive cases of so-called social fraud by Ukrainians. However, none of the authorities interviewed were able to confirm the story or had evidence of such incidents.

Indeed, in order to receive the Hartz IV social payment, you need to have a legal address in Germany. This is exactly the payment that the unemployed in Germany will receive; people with no income; those who cannot live on their income. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs says that only those people who have a registered address and are permanently located in Germany can receive a Hartz IV.

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