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Disclosure Fraudsters offer Ukrainians to receive seven thousand hryvnias from confiscated assets of the Russian Federation

A message with information that all Ukrainians can receive compensation from seven thousand from confiscated assets of the Russian Federation is distributed on Facebook from a page called Info Plus. 

The report says that recently in Ukraine they “signed a law” and you can become one of the first to receive funds. However, all this is an invention of scammers who use photos from well-known Ukrainian banks in their messages to make their messages look more truthful in the eyes of Ukrainians.

In fact, there is not a single law in Ukraine that allows Ukrainians to receive compensation from the confiscated assets of the Russian Federation. Also, there are no regulations that allow you to receive such payments. As the fact checker of the Brekhunets (Lier) project writes, if you go to the site indicated in the message and click on the “get paid” button, go through all the procedures on the site, a tab will open with the inscription: “to receive a multi-thousandth payment, you need to pay a commission several times”.

The scammers promise to return the so-called commission within 24 hours, and then a page opens where you need to indicate the bank card number along with confidential data. With this data, scammers can get access to the money on your cards, so never send your details to strangers.

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