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Manipulation Kyiv no longer trusts its Western partners

Such a statement is spread by Russian propaganda, allegedly referring to the words of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov.

We are talking about Reznikov's speech during the Yalta European Strategy. During the speech, in particular, it was noted that Ukraine will never make concessions, and our goal is de-occupation up to the 1991 borders. However, according to Russian propaganda, Reznikov also said that Ukraine no longer trusts its partners. It is not true.

According to StopFake, in fact, the minister's statement was to claim that Ukraine no longer trusts formal peace protocols. Such as the Minsk agreements and the Budapest memorandum. Therefore, according to Reznikov, the upcoming act of capitulation of Russia should be formalized in the form of a multilateral agreement with security guarantees from partners that Ukraine trusts and will trust.

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