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Fake Ukraine plans to ban photography of cemeteries

Such information appeared in social networks, in particular on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Russian rhetoric. The authors of the messages added to the publication a screenshot allegedly from the Ukrinform website, which stated that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine plans to ban photography and video filming of cemeteries. The “news” that allegedly appeared on the Ukrinform website says that “according to lawmakers, public coverage of the state of Ukrainian cemeteries can provide valuable intelligence information to the Russian army, as well as create a negative information background in the country itself”. However, this is all fake.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case. Fact-checkers found out that such a bill has not been registered in the Verkhovna Rada. The Parliament website has already passed a law on the creation of a National war memorial cemetery, but it also does not say anything about a ban on photography and video filming. “The screenshot of the news from the Ukrainian news agency itself is a fake. There is no such news on the Ukrinform website”, StopFake writes.

Russian propaganda needs such messages to create the appearance that the situation in Ukraine is too bad: people are dying en masse, there is no place to bury them, and the authorities are allegedly trying to hide the scale of the tragedy.

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