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Fake On its cover, Charlie Hebdo depicted Zelenskyi as a symbol of mockery of the Ukrainian church

A photo of the cover of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which depicts Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, Russian President Volodymyr Putin and Jesus Christ, is circulating on social networks. A description is added to the photo that the cover symbolizes Zelenskyi's “church race”, which angered even Jesus Christ, whom Putin supposedly calms down and says: “Don't! We'll figure it out ourselves!”. In fact, Charlie Hebdo never published an issue with this cover.

 Analysts at the Myth Detector project found that the cover published by the French satirical magazine on April 5 does not match the published versions, and there are no similar cartoons on the covers of Charlie Hebdo special issues. Charlie Hebdo's circulated cover bears a serial number (1603) and a release date of April 5. According to the official website of the publication, on April 5, a magazine with serial number 1602 was released, which has a different design. The cover is on the theme of the protests caused by the new pension reform in France.

This is not the first time Russian propaganda has been distributing fabricated covers of various Western publications, which allegedly mock the Ukrainian president. Thus, Russian propaganda seeks to discredit Volodymyr Zelenskyi and create the appearance that the level of trust in the Ukrainian president will fall in the West. Like, the Western community is already beginning to understand “who he really is”.

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