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Message The US is trying to bring a new “Zelenskyi” to power in Turkey

Such a thesis appeared in the Russian propaganda media, as well as in the Turkish media spreading messages the same as the ones of Russian propaganda. The reports said about the so-called “dirty plan” of the United States to bring “Zelenskyi” to power in Turkey. That is, an allegedly puppet president will carry out all the orders of his curators, as allegedly the Ukrainian president is doing it. The authors of the messages argue that in this way Washington will resolve conflicts with Moscow on all possible fronts.

Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project drew attention to the case. They emphasize that this is a recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation message that calls into question Ukrainian statehood and sovereignty. In such reports, the authors do not provide any evidence to support the allegations made in the context of the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine.

This disinformation statement attempts to denigrate the President of Ukraine as a puppet of the United States and the West.

However, Ukraine is a sovereign and independent state with a democratically elected president and parliament. Ukraine has a functioning government and economy, it is a member of many international organizations (for example, the UN, the Council of Europe and a party to international agreements). Ukraine has bilateral diplomatic relations with most countries.

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