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Message Ukraine commits crimes against humanity

Such information appeared in the Russian propaganda media. They say that the use of shells provided to Ukraine by the UK is a crime against humanity and the planet. The reports add that the use of such projectiles is unacceptable and immoral.

Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project drew attention to the case. According to them, such a message is part of the Kremlin's disinformation campaign against the supply of depleted uranium to Ukraine.

However, the depleted uranium shells that the UK sends to Ukraine are not prohibited by any international agreement. Also, crimes against humanity are traditionally defined and prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, mass systematic rape and sexual enslavement during war, etc.). The use of depleted uranium projectiles cannot be considered one of the crimes against humanity. In 2007, the UN General Assembly began research to find out the impact of depleted uranium weapons on human health. The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) found that the effects of depleted uranium did not cause significant poisoning.

With the help of such messages, Russian propaganda seeks to portray Ukraine as the aggressor. They say that it is Ukraine that violates the rules of war, uses prohibited weapons that can cause a catastrophe, and the countries of the West, in particular, Great Britain, only help him.

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