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Disclosure Russia uses hackers to gain information for advantage in war

The State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine reported that in January-February of this year, the governmental computer emergency response team CERT-UA handled more than three hundred cyber incidents and cyber attacks, which is almost half as many as in the corresponding period last year. The department explains the then high activity of Russian hackers by the preparation of Russia for a full-scale invasion.

Since the beginning of 2023, CERT-UA has recorded an increase in the number of cyberattacks for the purpose of espionage, with an emphasis on maintaining permanent access to the organization. In addition, most of the malware distributed by Russian hackers is data collection and remote access to devices.

According to specialists from the State Service for Special Communications, Russia is thus preparing for a long war and is trying to obtain any information that can give an advantage in the war against Ukraine, including data on the mobilization and logistics of Western weapons.

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