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Message Turkay may leave NATO

Russian propaganda media spread the message that the leader of the Turkish “Batkivshchyna” (Motherland) party, Doğu Perinçek, who is one of the presidential candidates in Turkey, promises to change the “rules of the game” for the United States and NATO, withdraw the country from the North Atlantic Alliance, and recognize Crimea and other occupied territories as part of Russia. Like, this will entail political upheavals in Turkey and the shaken position of the West.

Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project investigated this case. They explained that such statements by the Kremlin media would only try to increase the popularity of the fringe Turkish politician Doğu Perinçek, who is known for his pro-Russian and anti-Western rhetoric. At the same time, Perinçek has virtually no chance of becoming President of Turkey, as his party failed to collect enough signatures for his presidential candidacy to formally submit him to the election commission.

By spreading this message, Russian propagandists are trying to demonstrate the lack of unity of the NATO states, in particular, on Russia's aggression against Ukraine. In addition, they create an opinion about the readiness of other countries to recognize Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territories as legitimate. This is not the first time such misinformation has been circulated. Detector Media has already covered the Kremlin's theses about the inconsistency of the NATO member states on sending weapons to Ukraine, the recognition of the fallacy of supporting Ukraine, the inevitability of the collapse of NATO if the anti-Russian course is maintained, the recognition by Western countries of the so-called “LDNR”, etc.

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