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Message Russia defeated NATO in Ukraine

Such a message appeared in the Kremlin propaganda media. Like, Russia is fighting not against Ukraine, but against NATO. The reports said that last year the Russian army was forced to fight on its own, fought against NATO, and it seems to have succeeded, because Ukraine and its allies will lose this fight. The authors of the reports argued that the United States is to blame for the war as a whole, thinking about the deployment of NATO forces in Ukraine. It seems to be part of Washington's plan to create a unipolar world without governments it doesn't like.

Analysts of the EU vs Disinfo project drew attention to the case. In general, the thesis that Russia is at war not with Ukraine, but with NATO and the countries of the West, is a recurring disinformation message. They say that Ukraine is a puppet of Washington, which seeks war, while Russia only fights against the “pagans”.

In fact, neither the US nor NATO is involved in the war in Ukraine. Kyiv does not fight on behalf of a foreign government or organization. Ukraine is acting in self-defense against Russian invasion, as enshrined in Article 51 of the UN Charter. Ukraine is a sovereign and independent state with a democratically elected president and parliament.

Western countries only support Ukraine, providing both military and financial assistance for effective self-defense. However, Russia started the war against Ukraine and it destroys Ukrainian cities and villages, kills civilians, etc.

With the help of such messages, Russia is trying to shift the responsibility for what is happening to the countries of the West, to NATO. Read more about how Russia justifies the war in the Detector Media investigation.

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