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Fake The West allegedly invited Russia to “remove” Zelenskyi and gave coordinates

Russian resources are disseminating information that the West allegedly twice transmitted to Russia the coordinates of the location of the President of Ukraine with the aim of killing him, since Zelenskyi is no longer “satisfied with the governments of Western countries”. In reporting this, the Russians refer to the pro-Russian political scientist Mykhailo Pavliv.

This is actually fake. They write about this in the Center for Strategic Communications and Security at the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. Ukraine’s international partners recognize President Zelenskyi as legally elected by the Ukrainian people. At the same time, it was Russia, through its agents, that repeatedly prepared assassination attempts on him. By spreading this disinformation, Moscow is trying to shift responsibility to the West.

This fake Russian propaganda is aimed at damaging relations between Ukraine and its international partners. The Center adds that the spread of such lies occurs as part of a long-term Russian information operation on the “illegitimacy of Zelenskyi”.

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