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Message The victims of the rocket attacks on Kyiv on October 10 "actually" are hired, actors

Such a message is spread, in particular, in the Belgian segment of social networks. Pro-Russian users share photos and videos of a lightly injured woman who took a selfie while ambulance workers treated her. If you were the victim of a missile strike, you don't seem to care about selfies or videos. So, according to propagandists, this behavior of people shows that they are actors and not really victims.

Belgian fact-checkers drew attention to the spread of the message. They write that the photos and video fragments shared on social networks are, in fact, taken out of context in such a way as to leave room for ambiguous conclusions.

Propagandists used the behavior of one of the least traumatized victims to promote their message while ignoring more serious human injuries and deaths. Other victims of the Russian attack can be seen in the photo's background, including people injured by glass fragments from the office center next to which the rocket landed. Numerous photographs and videos taken by Ukrainian and foreign journalists in Kyiv on October 10 confirm that the photos show seriously injured people, not actors. The photos were also published on the front pages of foreign publications, which Russian propaganda accused of posting fake images.

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