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Fake Russia "destroyed" the Ukrainian tank division

The Russian-Ukrainian war was discussed on a Georgian pro-Russian TV channel. One of the invited speakers said that the allegedly Ukrainian counterattack in the direction of Kharkiv was "unsuccessful."

Instead, from the Kherson side, Russia "ceded" certain territories but "regrouped its forces and created defensive barriers." This speaker also noted that Ukrainian units allegedly suffered many losses and were surrounded by the Russian army. They showed a video recording of an alleged battle between the Ukrainian and Russian troops "in an open field" to confirm this message. As a result, the Russians destroyed a Ukrainian tank division. This video recording is fake.

Fact-checkers of the Georgian project MithDetector established that, in fact, this video contains footage from the video game simulator Arma 3, developed by the Czech company Bohemia Interactive. The footage used in the program is cut from one of the videos posted on MILMAN's YouTube channel. The simulated video shows the destruction of Russian tanks by the NLAW anti-tank system from the Ukrainian side. Thematic videos related to the Russian-Ukrainian war have been published on this channel since July 2022.

It isn't the first time that Russian propaganda has used footage from the video game to spread fakes about the course of military events.

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